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Metrology Forum : Download Software for Metrologists

Evaluator (rev. 1.88 uploaded 5-Apr-2003)

A scientific calculator for your Windows98® PC that can solve equations, plot graphs, display tables, do statistics (with functions used in metrology), do bit-wise and logical calculations and run script files. It includes some basic physical constants. All results can be saved to files or temporary memories for later use.

Some Features

  1. The uncertainty is estimated by two methods, ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty (including NAMAS [UKAS] M3003 corrections for the case of dominant components) and the Monte-Carlo method. The Monte-Carlo method is better, especially in the case of correlations and some distributions. In some cases differences may be larger than 30%. Correlations and the components contributions can be computed directly from the measured data table. When using the Monte-Carlo method, a histogram of the uncertainty can be displayed.
  2. It is possible to estimate uncertainty directly from the measurement equations, with the uncertain variables assigned predefined distributions. This method is especially useful when the equations are nonlinear and the first Taylor approximation is not sufficient.
  3. Grouping of uncertainty components which are intercorrelated.
  4. An equation solver that can be used to fit measured data to several equations simultaneously.
  5. A graph editor to enable annotation of automatic graphs.
  6. Selection of distribution, including the "Data" distribution which directs the program to use the distribution defined by the measurements.

This is a time limited*, trial version of the program in which some features are disabled (including file save) until the software is registered. The author has extensive metrology experience, having formerly been responsible for frequency and voltage standards at Israel's National Physical Laboratory.

* Following installation, the program will run for 30 days before a code must be purchased to continue use.
®Microsoft Corporation


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